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Old 02-24-19, 11:30 AM   #6
von Zelda
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Originally Posted by John Pancoast View Post
Just wondering how it actually works in the game though; google brings up nothing.
In the sock game, radar detection brings up a directional line toward the radar contact; black for aircraft and red for surface contact. You'll also receive a written notification of radar detection with the time, and your time compression should drop back to 1.

Crash dive when you get the detection notice, visual contact is not far behind.

I've added a mod for Late War Radar Detection for the snorkel. Sometimes radar will pickup the snorkel and sometimes it don't. I'm in October 1943 in a type IXC heading for the Caribbean and it's extremely hard to run on the surface. I've read that historically, boats could run at 6-knots with the snorkel. So, that's where I keep the speed.

Hope this is helpful.
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