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Old 02-24-19, 11:25 AM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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SHO Night of Glory: New screenshots from my latest patrol

My crew assembled on the foredeck and after a rousing speech by my humble self, we set sail.

The night was hot, wait no, the night, the night was humid. The night was humid, no wait, hot, hot. The night was hot. The night was hot and wet,
wet and hot. The night was hot and wet, wet and hot; that’s humid. The night was humid.

The night was dark, that's for sure.

My soundman found a contact and we roared in that direction with the faithful diesels churning their black smoke into the muggy air.
Soon enough, my 1WO shouted "Contact!"

It was dark enough, I elected to take my boat into the convoy on the surface. Take that, Kretschmer!

Sure enough, I trained my binocs on a fat juicy freighter. I did not try to ID it, I simply had my 1WO input some basic length and speed settings into the TDC,
and I gave him the range, and the scope added the bearing....

Spot on!

After an hour getting into position, closing on a target, setting up a manual TDC solution, and actually hitting the target... it's pretty hard to stop watching.

But the escorts were angry and looking for me with spotlights. I can see them before they see me, so to my brave crews' dismay, I choose to run from them
remaining on the surface.

Mission success!

This is getting too close for comfort! My crew reminds me they have frauleins at home, so time to head for the basement! Flood! Flood!

After some tense moments, we have given the Brits the slip. I order surface the boat.

Fresh air! A new day dawns.

All clear. We did it!

I instruct my weary Chief to have one diesel recharge our expired batteries while the other moves us farther along,
towards the next patrol zone, the next night of glory.

Some stats for BdU

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 02-24-19 at 11:53 AM.
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