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Old 02-19-19, 03:31 PM   #23
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I just spoke with someone about this, and if you are not a true subsimmer, then disregard.

This is a method of game play only the true virtual sailor could manage.

Extreme TC is a method where you play in real time, but leap frog, as time passes when you are not playing. I will explain:

There are 2 ways.

Method 1)
Play the game in real time as of today's date.

So I am writing this article on February 19 2019. I begin a game of SH5 in the beginning which I believe starts in August of 39'.

I will TC up to Feb 19 40' at whatever time of day it is in real life, and then not TC any more. I will play TC1 until I save my game and end it.

Then say 24 hours of real time go by that I do not play.

I start my game, and I can now TC up to 24 hours and catch up to the date, and time of day.

Method 2)
Same thing as above, but instead of TC up to real life today's date, grab a digital watch, set it to the in game date, or write the in game date and time down on paper if you are lame!

Time goes by when not playing...

I call this a “Time Bank”. Every second you don’t play, adds to your bank. The longer you don’t play, the more time you get.

Then, using your Time Bank, TC up to the watch date and time, and have fun.

This is an extremely slower way to play, but it has benefits!

It really makes you think about your decisions before acting on them. With the regular game, and using TC, we care less about what we do in game, because we just TC everywhere and deal with "scenarios" as they befall us.

But with this method, we invest our actual time into it, and the game becomes more a campaign, than a game. All the boring in game TC1 hours we invest become more exciting when that ship finally comes into our view!

Diving to perform hydrophone searches will become interesting moments instead of necessary evils.

Plus, you will find yourself using smaller TC to catch up! And this is good for the game weather changes and campaign progressions.

Also, to really drive home the TC method. When you return to port, and get your new orders... Start your game, and while in the pen on the bridge, record your new date. Save your game without leaving the pen, turn off your game, and go on leave. Do not start this game until that date! Talk about serious immersive gameplay! This is great and allows me to catch up with other games, and my family LOL!

If I lose my boat playing this method. I use siletotto cheat and advance to the next campaign. It’s a gift for playing this way, and it allows me to move up in the game, without feeling bad about using the cheat.

Give it a try! Tell me how you like it!

Last edited by bstanko6; 02-24-19 at 01:03 PM.
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