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Old 05-31-06, 04:09 PM   #2
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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Well, personally, I think recon/surveilance missions are best done over the course of several hours (SeaQueen style). Which means it's better suited for SP than MP.

I'd have a few different randomly staggered buoy fields already set up (random to help replayability) with an MPA guarding the area overhead. The Boomer would be escorted out of the yard into a testing area by a light ASW craft, and the testing area would be guarded by one or two SSNs, maybe an SSK or two as well. The exact composition can be dynamic as well. Add to that a command ship from which the test would be monitored, along with normal military and merchant traffic proper for the area, and you're golden.

Triggers/scripting would include detection goals...with a negative value...that could result in the test being aborted. I think a relative position goal would determine if the launch was successfully observed at the right time. The launch itself would require an armed SSBN (e.g. TYPHOON[b]) and a trigger-generated spotter aircraft that would link a distant land target, prompting the boomer to engage. Right now, "[b]oomers" are only available with SCX, so we may have to "use our imagination."

PS: I don't want to bill this sort of thing as "my idea," it's been done at least twice before. You know, just for the record.

Last edited by Molon Labe; 05-31-06 at 04:12 PM.
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