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Old 02-11-19, 12:12 PM   #34
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The ICF, FED, ECB and central banks now plan to widen the most malicious major crime they have ever pulled so far.

If the economy deteriorates, the central banks try to stimulate the economy with interest rate cuts. However, interest rates for many central banks can hardly fall even lower. Therefore, the IMF has another idea of ​​how the economy could be boosted: with a tax on cash.

Many investors are worried that the euro-zone economy will soon slip into recession, while the US economy may well fare shortly thereafter. Therefore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is considering how to keep the world economy going in the next "severe recession".

Because the classic tools do not work anymore. The central banks can barely lower their interest rates further in order to stimulate the economy. A solution would be negative interest: Who has money in the account, receives no interest, but on the contrary has to pay a fee on his savings. This should save savers from saving. Instead, they are to be forced to consume, as it were, in order to keep the economy running.
Cash is protection against punitive interest

There is, however, a "problem": the cash. "In a cashless world there is no lower limit on interest rates. For example, a central bank could lower (lead) interest rates from two to four percent to combat a severe recession, "said Ruchir Agarwal, economist at the IMF, and IMF Advisor IMF signe Krogstrup, a former member of the Swiss National Bank to a recent study. "Without cash savers would have to pay the penalty interest, which would make consumption and investment more attractive. That would stimulate lending, boost demand and stimulate the economy, "said the two IMF experts.

However, there is still cash - which can avoid the penalty interest. Because the savers could simply withdraw their money instead of paying a fee. Especially in Japan, Switzerland and in the European Union, the share is still high.

Therefore, the two IMF experts have come up with a new idea of ​​how to effectively introduce negative interest rates despite cash.
Cash should lose value

According to the working paper of the IMF, the plan is to be implemented as follows: The central bank is to divide the monetary base into two currencies, on the one hand cash and on the other hand electronic money (e-money). On the latter, so the book money, the penalty interest would automatically arise. At the same time, cash should get a certain conversion rate against e-money. "This conversion rate is crucial for the plan," say the IMF experts.

If interest rates were at minus three percent, cash would have to depreciate by three percent a year over e-money. Thus, one dollar would be exchanged after one year only to 0.97 "e-dollar". Thus, it would not matter if you left your money in the bank book and paid the three percent penalty rate, or less for his cash would get.

To do this, companies would have to publish prices for payments in e-money and cash. "Cash would therefore lose value, both in terms of buying goods and in relation to e-money, and it would make no sense to hold cash rather than bank deposits," wrote the IMF staff.

IMF proposal is devastating. In order to introduce this system of two currencies, that is, of cash and e-money, there would only have to be small changes to the monetary policy of the respective central bank. "Compared to other proposals, this would have the advantage of completely freeing monetary policy from the lower interest rate (zero interest rates)." However, an "enormous communication effort" would be necessary - the citizens would have to sell so why penalty interest would be great and cash devil stuff.

The question remains how this system should work. Will a cash withdrawal be used to stamp the cash on the date of withdrawal? Finally, you have to determine how long the cash is already in circulation to know the corresponding exchange rate for e-money.

The IMF's ongoing plans to apply penalty rates around the world should make it clear to every citizen what the world economy is all about. Since only alarm bells can shrill. After the debt explosion of recent years, the IMF and many other experts are convinced that the system can only be run with punitive interest, ie the expropriation of savers.

Filthy criminal scum they all are, criminal and rotten from head to toe, unscrupulous and shameless. I have more thna enough of all these super crminals. I want to see them being dead, hanging in the tress until the birds are fisnihed with them.

This is not a game. This now turns into the biggest rip-off in the history of mankind into even a bigger plundering tour.

Stinkendes Verbrecherpack. They all have to drop dead, else they will not stop.

Our beloved government will pose as if it is resisting, but of course secretly will fully support this move. The war against cash money and gold is at the secret top of the agenda since many years already.

The finance headquarters in Washington, from the IMF over the WB to the FED, should be bombed into moon's orbit with cruise missiles, to be honest. They and their formidable criminal policies are the worst living enemy of man today. I indeed hate and dispise them with a passion. Parasites and plunderers. And it gets worse and worse and worse whatever is coming from them. They are scum.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-11-19 at 12:21 PM.
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