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Old 01-30-19, 12:43 AM   #6459
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
Really? Those are not personal attacks and amount to the same thing as calling anybody on the left of the far right snowflakes. I don't like that but it's not personal.
I'll admit the name calling wasn't as offensive as his continued and blatant usage of homosexual references to offend Trump supporters on here. When you use homosexual references to demean someone, it's bigoted and homophobic is it not? Because you're basically saying that such people and the act they perform is wrong.

And this is the Left's own rules about homosexuality as a matter of fact. So I'm using the Left's own rule book and tactics against the Leftists that can't even follow their side's own rules and tactics about not disparaging people of the LGBT community! I only did what he did by spinning his LGBT bigotry right back on him with a bit of mental reverse judo.

Where did I call anyone a snowflake? Or even a name at all? I just called him out on his homophobia and hopefully taught him a lesson that that's not cool bruh. I mean, if you're going to be a Leftist, you got to follow their rules and be a Leftist.

I believe part of why Trump won so soundly is because so many Leftists, including Hillary, were stumped on their own hypocrisy. Things she said in the past about black men being "super predators" and then suddenly she's this black-supporting angel? Many black men didn't buy it. People don't like the "do as I say, not as I do" folks that much. Hillary is why Hillary lost the election.

And I do think calling someone a "snowflake" is a personal attack on them. You're basically calling them a weak/fragile person. It's a term used to be demeaning towards people is it not? It should be taken offensively and considered as such.

<---- Hey look, I'm Popeye! Awesomesauce!

Last edited by FullMetalADCAP; 01-30-19 at 01:01 AM.
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