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Old 01-29-19, 11:13 PM   #6453
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
Hmm, I guess we should all follow the great example of Trump and go bankrupt four times over, totally screw-up a cash cow like a casino, have banks refuse to even do business with us, be sued by thousands of contractors and vendors for non-payment of debts, take credit for books we didn't even write (when asked about Trump's literary efforts, his publisher said Trump 'never even wrote a post card for us'), etc., etc,..

Trump as a 'role model' for success, much less for integrity and honesty is a really long stretch...

...almost Pinocchio-like...

The man is an idiot who was born into wealth and depended on his father to bail him out of his failures, and, by most metrics, far more fo a failure than a rousing success; I'm probably in better final financial shape than he is and I'm hurting; he is what the call in Texas "All hat and no cattle". The guy is in hock up to and beyond his eyeballs, and is actively trying to turn his stay in the White House into a personal profit making venture; he's not even waiting til he's out of office to try and cash in. The level of sliminess and corruption of Trump is beyond even the worst of past Presidents. But the prospect for his house made of the tissues of lies to come down and take him with it are very, very high...

As his minions are individually indicted and or convicted, the trail leads ever closer to his door, and, as his gross mismanagement and disregard for common ethics and law becomes more and more apparent, he'll only have whatever sad, little minions chose to ride down the sinking hulk of his sad, pathetic "presidency" and whatever Trumpette lemmings who will still follow him. The rest of us will say good riddance and go on with normal lives...

BTW, have you heard of all the failed Trump projects in his past? Here are just a few:

Collapse Of The Deal: Trump Branded Projects That Fell Apart -

...and I wasn't aware Nancy Pelosi has a wall around her home, but if she does, it shows she at least knows how to get one built and finished; maybe Trump should hire her as a project manager...

Yes, I'm well aware of your seething hatred for the President. Failure though? Um, okay.

He's only the most powerful man in the entire world right now. I wouldn't call that failure. His daddy didn't buy him into the White House like Kennedy's daddy did. Trump made way more money off his father's investment in him than his father originally gave him. He's filed bankruptcy as a strategic financial move. So would you when dealing with large amounts of money and investments that didn't plan out. Only an idiot wouldn't in the same situation. I don't see that as him failing, I see that as him using the bankruptcy laws smartly and to his advantage. After all, that's what they are there for. He's built way more physical structures than Hillary ever has and taken on way more financial risk than her. No wonder she doesn't have bankruptcy on her record. She never took any financial risks. She didn't have to. She had a husband pave her way into politics, riding in holding onto his coat tails.

Trump takes risks and makes investments. He's a mover and shaker. That's what Trump supporters like about him. His tenacity has made him very rich over the decades. How you see failure in that is just mind boggling to me. I think you just hate him for being a Republican. If he ran as a Dem, you'd be praising him I suspect.

You want to talk failure? Hillary was a failure. She's lost what 2 or 3 times now trying to get the job that Trump got on his first attempt and without a political background? And he won with the media HIGHLY opposed to him while she was getting tons of praise. And she spent way more than he did on political ads. That wasn't risk investment on her part. That was just plain stupid and wasteful spending when she was always suspected of being the one that was going to win in a landslide. So why was she spending so much on political ads to run on TV compared to Trump? Because she's a failure idiot, that's why!

I just wish there was a video of her going into absolute rage mode on the night of her defeat. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall seeing that. You just know she went into a crazed rage mode also. It was even reported she began throwing things around the room and screaming like a complete lunatic.

It was also reported she did the same thing when she found out Bill cheated on her with Monica years before. I remember he showed up on TV with a gash on his head and he lied to America again and said he hurt himself to cover for his crazy psycho wife but WH staff had reported when they left office that she had thrown a table lamp at him in an ugly rage that hit him in the head. After Bill's MANY lies to our country (ole slick Willy) I'm convinced the WH staff isn't lying and she actually committed domestic violence against Bill, the POTUS back then. But hey, let's let her talk about toxic masculinity how more needs to be done to protect women!
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