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Old 01-28-19, 12:07 PM   #699
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Thats just the tip of the iceberg.

Just this weekend it was reported that internal secret papers show that 25 thousand posts/jobs in the Bundeswehr currently are vacant. For next year it is expected that while one half of school graduates will be unfit (physically or due to lacking German passport), of the remainig other half every fourth graduate would need to sign in to the services to fulfill the needs over the longterm perspective of many years to come, to form a peronsell poll of experience - becasue the staff that now is there is hopelessly overaged (the German forces count for one of the highest age mean values amongst all iondustrialsed nations) and two thirds of it will leave the services in the coming four year.

They now want to hire Romanian and Polish legionaires, but klaready now have hopelessly overestimated expectations regading the quota of interested people form these countries that could be attracted.

On the navy, the new ships they get are a total mess. On the new frigates it is said repeatedly that they do not funciton and will never function, becasue b y design a ship like that could not function oin the tasks it is claimed for. Its a flawed design, both the new frigates and the corvettes.

Also, they have unsolvable recruiting problems. There are not enough crews to man these ships according to the time schedules the engineers had on mind when planing the ergonomci hanbdling and maintenanc eof these ships, plus the new legal limitations that forbig sailors to stay away as long from home anymore as they once used to, so that crews need to be rotated with the platform staying on station and in operation. Of the submarines it is known sinc elong, and hidden from the pub lic, that there are not enough quaolified subamriners in germany to have even four subamrines in service, not toi mejtion 6. Add to this disease, injuries, losses form fighting action, and the readiness level gets degraded even further.

The problem lies in the structure sof the Bundeswehr, which has no self-understanding of a fighting army, a criticism I voice since long. Also, the bureaucrsatic structures are such that many instances and offices work not together, but against eahc other. The armed forces today are a pension-supply service for way too many high rankling officers. There are many times (two factors!!) as many officers of ranks like general and colonel, than the Wehrmacht had with 6 million men under weapons at the height of WWII. And Püppi Ursula, our barrack barbiewith that always well-done hair, tries to run the defence eminstry and army, like an all-family-inclusive social event therapy with the prmary role of serving at the forefront of pushing femnmist policies and poltical correctness. She is deeply despised by the majority of the officer corps, and enjoys no more trust. She has several scandals and claims of corruption and nepotism on her heels, and gives foreign advisers from trhe econoym and privatre husiness too much a say in reorganising inner structures and prcurement processes.

Finally, let me tell you this. A week ago some professional craftsman wrote in a national newspaper he does not take jobs from professional enginers anymore, they powuld have a low paying moral and would always complain and make demands that cannot be fulfilled, becasue, so he said, they always claim to know tigns and stuff of which I by experience know from relaity that they do not work this way - with the engineers claiming it shoukld be like this or that, but all based on abstract theory and with zero experience from reality. This craftsman, floor tiler, got an impressive ammount of agreement and applaus - namely from ordinary employees of those companies (Audi and one or two other car manufacturers) whom the tiler referred to when mentioning "enginerers", the people said that these engineers indeed plan inside the ivory tower and too often come up with stuff that in theory should work, bvecasue they had some inetlectzual idea on paper - and in reality it justg cannot be relasied, but they refuse to see that. Its a conflict ebtwene pragmatic real experince versus abstract theoretical calculation.

This is sympatimatic for gerjmany today. Our whole society and state is infested by it. Everything gets planned by experts, from social role models to street toll systems, from airports to revolutions in energy supply structures, from climate tackling emission reduction schemes to politcal interactions with EU countries, from claimed tax-neutral subvention schemes to minimum targets for public schoold educaiton effeiciency, from rebuilding the ramdshackled Germna rial (A state-owned business...) to repai8rng the crumbling infrastructure, from digital and IT infrastructure to - well, you name it. And time and again it gets found that it doe snto work. That it makes no difference, that it gets more expoenbsve by factors, and less efficnet, also by factors. That there is not enogznb money, and not enough poerosnell. And thos epaolning this, never see the mistake in their approach, and next time again make claims and demands that are beyond good and evil and promise the heavenly sky arriving on earth and making everybody happy.

This mental asylum that Germany is, gets run my insane theoreticists that live minside the deepest depths of the ivory tower. And when they have placed orders and defined inetntions, they mess up with the relaiszation process late ron and chnage the initial dmnad and criteria time and again, endlessly, untio,t he last day of pordeiuction, so to speak.

This cannot work. It does not work. It will never work. There is not enogu moeny for allt aht needs to be done. There are no reserves, and the implict debts are movating me for committing immediate suicide. There are not enough pero9snell to do all the tasks. The experts are not half as much experts as they think they are. The industrial experience often is not there anymore, or even gets scared away, driven out (the left and the Greens do not hide they want to deindustrialise the country). The grade of th German engineer got needlessly destroyed, massively devalued. The education quality levels got lowered systematically over the past 30 years. Social and communal structural integrity got needlessly put under ever growing stress by an ideological drive to erase German traditional qualities as a side effect of erasing this filthy, evil thing named German identity.

Von nichts kommt nichts. From nothiugn comes nothing. Thats why I say since years that I have already scratched Germany off the list. This country has no future, even if its fat cats boast and claim that it is the greatest of the greatest, and the future will be sensdational. The Germany of today has far more similiarity with the former GDR, than the west- Germany of the cold war. The mentality of a "gleichgeschaltet" society and media and polical apparatus, paralyses and stuns everythig n and everybody. Paroles rule. Claims are sufficjent to give your rights. Quality and performance and achievement mean little anymore.

You can wait forever that germany comes back to its senses and will raise again its qaloities it ince had. They are gone, and it will only become worse, slowly, but inevitably. The germans do not understand how brutal the competition plays intentionally, and they think the world just stands ready to follow Germans' megalomaniac moralistic appeals and demands.

They wait alone.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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