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Old 01-24-19, 05:25 AM   #9015
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Originally Posted by Bleiente View Post
Well then clear up, because so far I understand this opportunistic (similar to a whore) behavior by no means.
Fifty years ago, GB was literally begging for admission to the EEC, because its empire is literally broken apart ... it is no more. So continue in the text.
Actually the UK founded EFTA as an opposing part to the EEC and a challenge to it, together with several other European countries that opposed the EEC of that time. Also, the majprity of the EEC countries of that time originally did not want the British in it, Frane and de Gaulle vetoed twice against Britain when EFTA was not the hoped-for success and the british ECONOMY (not the people) feared to lose in competition with the bloc.

And already three or four years after the Brits finally had joined (after deGaule withdrawel), the had their first referendum on whether or not staying in the EEC.

Since then, time and again the UK showed policies and hesitations that illustrate clearly that it never was really at comfort wit the EEC/EU. It demanded a Brit rabate. It demanded opt-out clauses for Shengen. It stayed out of the Euro. And in this all, they were not alone, few other countries also voted against the enforced EEC/EU unification repeatedly.

We are not all a happy one family, you know. For the brtis and their traditonal civil understanding of liberty and freedom (not necessarily manign their porked political establishment), the continetal union never was their natural habitat. The traditions and understandings on what freedom and liberty is, are very different. Historical reasons, and a different mentality I assume.

I had posted the bot-translation link of this in the germany thread already, her eis the German text again, for you.
Nicht nur der Fall Relotius hat gezeigt, dass die Deutschen wieder dabei sind, Wahrheit, Prinzipien und Freiheit einem höheren Ziel unterzuordnen – und alle marschieren mit.
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