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Old 01-22-19, 09:40 AM   #8990
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Well i am certainly not of Skybird's opinion, at least not entirely.
True that England always had its own ideas, holding back the EU's general progress while on the other hand contributing some good ideas when it comes to evaluate positions of the various members and how to still keep them together, and negotiate. Which is why a lot of England's EU workers in Brussel are less than amused that they and their country lose influence, internationally.
(b.t.w. England alone (without the UK) employs more bureaucrats than the whole EU, has to pay them, and will need a lot more now).

If the Eu would not enforce so much things that all lie beyond economic quesitons, but in pricnile are nothig n else biut the ambition to form a continetal, centrelaised super state, and if the migration issue would not have been so unscrupolously unlocked by the Germans and their imperial ambition to morally lecture and missionise the world, the referendum issued by Cameron probably would not have had a chance.
"The EU enforces". Or does it? Who exactly, dictator Juncker? And b.t.w. since this always pops up again, yes, even Juncker has been elected, along with all others working in or for the EU.
So the EU is becoming the centralised superstate, or one of its members? "Germany's imperial ambitions to lecture"? Do you also believe in the BRD being a GmbH, occupied by foreign powers?

Yes indeed, the EU is meanwhile more than a strictly economical club, it is about fighting terrorism, exchanging information, education, building, science exchange, international projects (not only economical, mind you), values and a general consent that working together has a better chance against powerful blocs like China or Russia, or recently Trump's hostility.
In short the EU is the nightmare of autocrate systems like in China, or Russia, or North Korea. And the latter are obviously very good in instrumentalising people like Skybird, and let them do the propaganda.

The growing nationalism, the growing right wing "populism" in all of Europe, the Brexit - all that are ghosts the EU itself [...] megalomaniac amvbition and imperial demand [...] the one and only state fpor all of Europoe'S halb a billion people, no matter theirt hispotirclaly grown cultural identies, no9 matter their states, no matter their soverignty and their voted-for governments.
The growing right wing populism is the ghost of the hard right wing that was never to give up its goal to rule. It is the right wing and stick-in-the-mud nationalists, who see their nationalism and sometimes more or less well hidden racism vanish, in the population's minds. Romania and Poland are two good examples.

And while i guess i know what you mean with "hispotirclaly", your pessimistic sermon is a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think so? The EU helps countries to keep their culture and identity, indeed it does not only finance culture and excavation, rebuilding and documentation of historical sites, but also publishes lots of literature about all kinds of cultural identities of its members. B.t.w. who exactly built up Manchester, from the rubble?

You are mistaking identity and culture with general standards for goods, food, and trade, to ease the latter.

Regarding what the EU has e.g. done for England, you might be in for a surprise:
Which are only two examples of hundreds.

And you compare "Nazi-brown socialism? Stalin-red socialism? [...] Bejing-red socialism? Its all the same ****." with the EU? You are such a fool.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 01-22-19 at 10:00 AM.
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