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Old 01-21-19, 10:30 AM   #8982
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
A potentially wise move ig she is hoping to swing her backbenchers and the DUP onside.

Now it is Brussels who will hopefully soften their position.
"Hopefully"...? Have you not learned anything from the past two years, Jim?

Meanwhile on German TV. "Anne Will" is a weekend polit talk show.

On "Anne Will", the guests discussed Sunday night about the Brexit chaos. Guests included Greg Hands, a British conservative who is in favor of Brexit and considers the deal with Brussels too unfavorable to Britain.

In the course of the program, he pulled out a piece of paper and quoted Martin Selmayr, the Secretary General of the European Commission. According to Hands, Selmayr told the Passauer Neue Presse in November: "The power is with us. This agreement shows that this exit from the EU is not working. "

Hands accused the German civil servant of an intrigue: it was stipulated in the Treaty on European Union that a country may step out. But now those in Brussels said it would be impossible to leave the Union. This led the Conservative MPs to a harsh reproach: "They want Britain to be harmed by leaving." Above all, Hands calls for more willingness to compromise on the part of the Union. Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn in turn played the responsibility back to the British. "You know what you do not want, but we do not know what you want." Nevertheless, Asselborn stressed: "We want to see that we move in the Customs Union."
The EU has you Brits right where it wantrs you to have - in chokehold. You will suffocate yourself. The just do not need to ease their grip. And May - voluntarily put your head into that chokehold.

"Hopefully"...? Are many Brits still not tired of these self-deceptions and illusions?

Don'T mean to be personally hostile, Jim, please don'T take it as that. I just underline what it really is about - damaging Britain as severly as possible. A precedent that will scare away any other people dreaming of leaving the empire. A hard lesson beeing taught that is never to be forgotten.

They even tolerate a certain ammount of self-damage to the eU, even if it is in total higher than for Britain. The eU, so they reason, can digest such damage easier than Britain. That Britain is being made to suffer from all this - this is utmost priority. It always was.

I told that from all beginning on, two years ago. I said there cannot be a soft Brexit. The British tradition of liberty and freedom is very different from continetal Europe'S potlical reaosning, which is based on state authoritarianism and socialist planning, disguised as "social responsibility" and "solidarity". Two worlds collide here, and Britain - was a net contributor to the EU. Why could anyone assume the majorit yof net receivers would any of their blacmailed paymasters volunarily leave so easily, when the ticks live of their prey's blood?
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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