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Old 01-17-19, 05:09 PM   #11609
Samurai Navy
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Default What happened to......

What happened to all Game play advise in the first or second post? Looks like they have some stuff still there like campaign transfer dates ans what not. Was looking specifically how and when you are supposed to save the game for stability purposes.

I"m running an older version of TWOS (1.06) due to not wanting to start a new career just yet....and only playing once or twice a month (new baby). Are the newer versions of TWOS more stable and thus not require game saves throughout the when near convoys or land???

Anyway I was wondering if a "save and exit" means to windows or just to the game menu? It's been
Intel i7-2700K-3.50GHz, 16 GB RAM, 2 xGTX 560,2GB,SLI,2 TB HD
The Wolves of Steel 1.06
The Wolves of Steel 1.06 Update 05c
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