Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 01-15-19, 09:10 PM   #7170
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Just left Midway For 11-B. Sat there and sank a ship at least 15nm inside the designated parameter and did not get the completed message for the mission. 10 days later I found another ship and sank her and then got the completed mission. To complete the mission it said engage enemy. I thought it would complete on the first one. Is the engagement by tonnes? Not important was just curious.

August 22, 1942 2100 hours Gar class.

Since Midway gave me no further orders and allowed me to do as I wish I sailed to Truk. I love the lagoon layout I just wish it was deeper all around instead of so many shallow areas with deep channelss but this looks really nice.

There was a huge storm as I slowly made my way into the channels. I am glad they do not affect the submarines as much. The IJN however did not far as well. You had what I think is a Kuma Class Cruiser half up the dock exploding like crazy and a DD that sank near it from the storm. In all the IJN lost three ships to the storm. I surfaced and sank one Aden Maru by deck gun and one Shoho Escort Carrier on sonar bearings with torpedoes. Both were docked. Some other merchants opened fire so I left, being out of fish, and because over the course of the patrol I had take machine gun strafes, 5 or 6 deck gun hits and AA canon fire from the last merchant and my hull was at 54 percent.

That storm was something and on this patrol I ran into quite of a few bad storms that bad TDC locks hard to impossible so I used the deck gun and shot their silhouettes until they sank.

10 merchants
2 warships

10,430 total renown gained so far since the wars beginning. They haven't given me anything to spend it on however.
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