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Old 01-14-19, 01:17 PM   #11604
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Originally Posted by Tonci87 View Post
Sorry, but I donīt know why it happens, provided you followed the install instructions to the letter. You should see if you are still getting CTDs in the campaign, if yes, then something might be wrong.

Hitting your target is not complicated, the hard part is often to ID your target (especially at night), since that is usually required to properly determine the firing data. There is nothing that can really help you with that apart from practice.

From how the ship looks you can often make a correct decision on which category the ship belongs to e.g. freighter, tanker, escort, etc... Then you try to match what you see to one of the ships in the recognition manual. I trust that you know how to bring up the little black book.

Once you have the targets mast height you can measure the distance to target. Once you have that, you can use it to plot itīs course on the map that can be enough to get all the data required.

You can also use the targets length and the RAOBF to measure AOB (make sure to play the RAOBF tutorial, I hope that one doesnīt crash).

I usually use the U-Jagd clock to measure the speed.
Point your ship just ahead of the target, turn your periscope to 0 degrees.
Bring up the u Jagd clock by right clicking the stopwatch. Start the clock once the targets bow passes through the center, stop it once the target has passed completely through the center. Look up the targets length to decide which scale to use, the clock tells you the targets speed.
It is important that your periscope remains at 0 degrees, and that your sub is pointing at the enemy, no turns while you measure. Or come to a complete standstill before you start to stop the time, then it is not important which way your boat is facing.

It sounds more complicated than it really is, donīt worry.

I will get some practice in later. I am going to watch some of the YouTube tutorials.
had a look earlier and some good ones out there.
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