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Old 01-12-19, 02:19 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Greystone View Post
Improved Ship Physics 2.6_TMO_RSRDC_OTC
Improved Ship Physics 2.x Patch
Improved Ship Physics_2.6_TMO_RSRDC
Improved Ship Physics 2.15
Improved Ship Physics 1.1

The current mods on my installation (all through JSGME) are:
Real Environment mod (for version 1.5)
Extra Ammo
Stop the Shouting
Less Water Limber Holes
Webster's 100' Underwater Visibility for v1.5
Webster's Better Sub Marker
Webster's Better Air Patrols
This is a simplified explanation as there are far more detailed explanations of what is in the mods from their read me files.

TMO (Trigger Maru Overhauled)
RSRD (Run Silent Run Deep)

are two super MODS and two of the finest. TMO brings a bit of realism through the player side controls and RSRD bring more realism through historical traffic and engagements. So if you want to Catch Vice Admiral Takeo Kurita's Center Force coming through the Sibuyan Sea or Nishimura and Shima through the Surigao Strait just be there the day it really happened and you will see it. It also increases historic merchant traffic.

Certain mods are compatible with each other and certain mods are not and will only crash your game and make you generally unhappy. For this reason some mods specifically say what they are designed to work with such as Improved Ship Physics_2.6_TMO_RSRD, meaning that you load TMO, then RSRD then ISP 2.6 and in that order and all should be well with the world.

If you add mods that are not compatible with each other you can have anything from corrupt save games, odd ship movement or crashes upon coming across a certain ship that was in one mod then corrupted by another mod.

Research is key and if you are recent to the game I would start slow. Get the mods you think you want and then try them out one by one and then combine the once you know to be compatible and in the order their instructions call for. The order of integration is very important.

I always loved TMO+RSRD+ISP together. Right now I am giving Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate a go as the only MOD in my list.

Another key point is to do a clean install when changing MODS. Yes it might be annoying but a clean install will guarantee adding and removing the mod has not corrupted a single file, which can happen. It's software ... anything can happen LOL.

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