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Old 12-02-18, 02:23 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by JapLance View Post

Needs some tweaking with the wake file, but it can save a lot of work.
That is exactly what it was intended to do. Save A LOT of work!
Now it has it's limitations.
It DOES NOT create the roster file.
If the 3D models do not have normals or AO mappings? It does not add them.
No internal damage model is added. (The one you see through the hull when it's hit)
It's a time saver, not a complete, one click solution to converting Units.

How do we add normals?
All 3D models need to be exported, taken into a 3D program, then save again as an obj file with normals. Then re-import the 3D models being sure to import the normals!
(I only know of 2 programs that will MASS export the 3D models. Pack3D which is limited or the later versions of Jammu which will export all texture mappings)

How do we add AO mappings?
This is a longer process! While the 3D models are exported take them into a 3D program being sure to move some parts as needed to place them properly! Do the AO burn and export the texture and 3D models with the AO UV's! Do your re-import.
(The program you use will determine what you have to do to get a good burn and export)

How do we add the damages 3D model?
You can create a new one or try taking one from an existing SH4 Ship. Use S3D to add it to the dat by looking at a stock SH4 ship with the damage 3D model.

Last edited by Jeff-Groves; 12-02-18 at 02:45 PM.
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