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Old 11-28-18, 12:15 PM   #56
Village Idiot
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Originally Posted by BigWalleye View Post
On the day when we have all the time in the world and all the manpower in the world, we will not have to prioritize anything, and everything that needs to be done will get done. Until then, I personally believe adding new capabilities to SH3 is a better use of scarce modder time than cleaning up existing mods that work adequately. But that's just my opinion. As I pointed out, I am not modding, and what project any modder chooses to work on is a strictly up to them. I just wanted to lobby for considering an alternative.

My interpretation of "Better is the enemy of good enough." is the one endorsed by Winston Churchill, who had considerable experience in effectively prioritizing limited resources. (AFAIK, it was Churchill who coined that aphorism, or at least popularized it.)

And no, it was not a 704. The 704 used two different instruction formats, but each one was 36 bits long. And the addressing was 36-bit oriented. A hint: It was a mini-computer and the bulk storage device was called DECtape.
I agree with you on prioritizing. IF you have a Team that is working on things. There's a Very Good Team doing that in SH4 now. Along with the Great SH3 mod Teams still going strong.

The ending of GWX4 may have been one of the greatest mistakes in SH history!
Tools were written to MASS export models to the SH4 format, Tools were under way to convert the Campaign files to SH4 format, The GWX Team had Jammu way before S3D came into being, (Dan even threatened to steal my NoteBook when shown a copy at the 2008 SubSim meet),
other planned changes to the files and such are mind blowing!
The impending release of SH5 and what was promised resulted in the biggest loss to SH4 and all players/modders then many even know about.

I'm good at a lot of things when it comes to how the files all work together.
How to cut file sizes and so on. Not just in SH3 but SH4 and SH5.
It's better I work that area since it's what I am interested in doing and know the file structures. So my time is well spent for every other modder to do his thing.

In the case of some interiors being done? They were taken from SH5 (In some cases)and put into SH3. I wrote an exporter that allowed modders to grab the 3D files! Was that a waste of my time? NOPE!
(And I did get a cease and desist over that little tool!)

So WAC has the Type II, Type VII, and Type IX.

One of the PDP's?

Last edited by Jeff-Groves; 11-28-18 at 01:06 PM.
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