Thread: Paris on fire
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Old 11-25-18, 10:14 AM   #4
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Macronman surely has lost his cape recently. Still, the German coalition has recently agreed to his desire for forming a European union of joined liabilities, to distract from the financial worries of France . A European unemployment insurrance and European social wellfare is next. The Germans long wanted to prevent that, sicne it is them financing the biggets part of that. The zombie coalition now just tries to save itself over time by now falling back from all its defence positions and surrender to these things - that Germany will pay for, pay, pay, pay. And German citizens even demnd more of that! There is no therapy for Germaness.

My despise for this parasitical opportunistic selfish scum is as unlimited as my fury against them. If I would see any of them lying on the street needing help, I would turn away, would not mind and would not care, letting dogs have their fun with them. Utmost despicable they are.

And deeper and deeper the EU dives. Will not stop until it has hit rock bottom. Since the situation in the Us is messed up by now as well, for other reasons, and Russia and China seem to steer into more and more turbulent water, plus all the many planet-wide, gobal crisis, I started to wonder if maybe we witness the agony of our our whole era, our whole civilization. When you have crossed the peak, on the other side it necessarily goes way down.

Makes the perfect timing of this moment I call my life and present so much more precious.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 11-25-18 at 10:22 AM.
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