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Old 11-19-18, 08:17 PM   #120
u crank
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
Still, the paucity of a real mandate in the Senate for Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, etc. in comparison to the very wide, bipartisan endorsements of Ginsburg, Scalia, etc. is a fair bellweather of how, seemingly, the GOP has gone from quality nominees like Scalia to the barely acceptable, in the Senate, except along partisan lines, of Kavanaugh nad Gorsuch; the GOP now has the distinction of have the three lowest confirmation vote tallies for sitting justices...
Like I said. No conservative judge picked by Trump or anyone else would be acceptable. Not a chance.

So let's ask the question. What do you have against those Justices? I know what the Democrat Senators had against them. It's not that they aren't qualified. They are all highly qualified. Certainly as qualified as any of the current Justices. No it's all about their conservative and originalist view of the law and the constitution. Is that your objection?

Quote: is extremely hard to formulate an agenda and have it succeed when you don't have majority support, which Trump still doesn't have and even less after the 2018 Mid-Terms:
Is this not exactly what happened to Obama in 2010 only he suffered a far worse defeat at the hand of the electorate? Never the less he remained in office for six more years. So hang on to your hat. It should be noted that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 years old and Stephen Breyer is 80. Donnie might get another kick at the can yet.

Sometimes the quality of the 'win' is more important than the win itself...
That all depends on your perspective. To some people two conservative Supreme Court Justices is a very high quality win.

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― Arthur C. Clarke

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