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Old 10-12-18, 05:58 AM   #1
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Default Modern British carriers

I admit I think in today's financial reality and with the ever shrinking numbers of personell serving and with the already extremely low number of combat vessels available, these carriers are a huge mistake and show British ambition exceeding capability. Thinking about millstones around the navy budget's neck.

He said “armchair” commentators should “shut up” and described the carrier as “a highly versatile and potent force” that would be capable of humanitarian and disaster relief as well as “high-end warfighting”.
Yes, thats what warships are being build for: humanitarian aid and desaster relief. One could also deploy them to North Africa and have them helping to shuttle bigger loads of migrants over the Med.

Maybe these two carriers are just the two biggest tears so far shed over the loss of the Empire.

he navy argues that today's warships are far more sophisticated than those of the past. One new one is worth many old ones, so the argument goes. But then again, today's British warships are hardly armed to the teeth. Most have empty spaces on board for weapons the navy can't currently afford - like cruise missiles or the most up-to-date anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes.
An army so small that it cannot susbtain losses, cannot live over a war. It desintegrates, or withdraws and then desintegrates due to lacking maintenance.

I already grew nuts when seeing on TV that German submarines patrol - if they patrol at all, that is... - with no torpedoes aboard and the torpedo tubes instead being loaded with supply goods.

Some really call for getting pearlharboured again.

That the article also said the carriers are not nuclear but depend on tankers keeping them running, left me speechless. So now this war navy of just 19 ships currently not only has to protect two carriers, but also four additional tankers. Planning brilliance at work.Add the task of patrolling the North Sea, Atlantic, and the global ambitions politicians love to babble about.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 10-12-18 at 06:17 AM.
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