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Old 10-02-18, 05:38 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2018
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Default Hi-Res Tower Numbers.

Guten tag, also;

You can use 512x512 emblems on your U-Boot -- tested only with TWoS 2.2.7.

So I created some hi-res painted kratur numbers for your conning tower, if you do not wish to do-it-yourself; at request I can take the numbers below and create a U-number for your boat.

Many people may know about being able to create higher-res emblems already, however I couldn't find mention of this on the forums, plus the emblems that come as a mod addition with TWoS are still in 256x256.

I created this in an attempt to capture the hand-painted numbers found on some U-Boots -- first image as an example:



So; If anyone would like a 512x512 'hand-painted' number for their boat, help yourself to the image above, or don't hesitate to ask and I'll knock one up, they stand up to close scrutiny and are rather jolly, if I do say so myself.

I have the original image in layers and with alpha channels, too; but I have not yet setup for uploading to the mod/download corner; so if you want a copy of the layered/alpha channel images then please ask and I'll find some way of getting them to you.

Kaleun Johann.

Last edited by ouPhrontis; 10-04-18 at 10:16 AM. Reason: finished first draft of numbers so removed old cruft
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