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Old 09-30-18, 07:59 PM   #3646
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Originally Posted by mark bonamer View Post
ok, but planes are not part of the spawn for this convoy, are they?
Not in the file you're looking at, but there may be issues in the Air files for airbases, or another MIS file that overlaps the area. Some of the MIS files run the whole game, others only run for a short period of time. The place to see when files are ~supposed~ to run in the Campaign is the CampaignGE.cfg file in the Data / Campaigns / CampaignGE folder. It is kind of tough to follow what's going on in there sometimes. The files listed in there are like the "background" of the game, life as you know it during game time in the CampaignData folder. Slightly different than the American side of the game...

Over in the Data / UPCDataGE / UPCCampaignData folder, the Flotillas file, working with the PatrolObjectives file is what assigns you "Mission Objectives", which call the files back in the CampaignGE / PatrolObjectives folder. When you "see" something enroute, and you call in a Contact Report, that goes through the DynamicMissGE.cfg file, which uses the DynamicMiss folder structure to give you another Objective, if appropriate. If you call in a Situation Report (Status Update) after you've completed your assigned Primary and / or Secondary,and any Hidden Objectives, then it might assign you another Objective through the DynamicMissGE.cfg also.

Needless to say, potentially lots of places to go astray with edits. I'm working on doing some housecleaning in the mod, which might take a day or two, if I don't get interrupted by FotRSU (oh, I just ~had~ to say that... ), and I'll let you know. I have found several errors in an SH Validator run, though most of them do not cause the issues you're encountering. I'll try to track those down after I do regular housekeeping...

"...and bollocks to the naysayers" - Jimbuna
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