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Old 09-04-18, 06:14 PM   #1
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Default Any Gameplay advice for RA?

Here are my main questions......and the way I play mixed together.

I'm Red, White and Blue American all over but I freakin' LOOOOVE driving the Akula. That's one awesome sumbitch.

Specifically I really want to use the layer for sneaky (er?) attacks. Example: I have a surface ship I have to sink that is 5nm away. Let's say the layer is 200 meters. I'd like to go to 300 meters and fire a torp and have the torp STAY AT my 300 meter level until it "enables" at roughly 4.5nm and then the torp would pop up above the layer ----- giving the surface ship very little time to evade.

I suppose this theory would work for submerged contacts too.

So, 1st question: Is this even possible in DW-RA 1.45?

2nd question: what is the stealthiest torp to use (driving the Akula) and any tips on how to set up the attack would be appreciated.

3rd question: I love using the missiles with torps on them. I know I shouldn't do it because it's loud and .....a plethera of other reasons but I can't help it. I love using them against enemy subs. What missile would you use and why?

4th question - is there any way to tell what depth a submerged sub is at?

I'm an RA virgin and I'm in the process of setting up some ridiculously easy training missions just to kind of re-learn DW and everything. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
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