Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 08-31-18, 07:49 AM   #6538
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Originally Posted by mark bonamer View Post
not sure what the Fire parm does.
Under this "Fire" segment of the file, the "Effect" is linked to the particles.dat file that produces the guns muzzle flame. The "trav_tolerance" has to do with how close to 100% accuracy the gun comes to aiming. The "barrel=" must relate directly to whatever the barrel is called in the guns .dat file. The gun won't fire at all if this isn't correct.

The "muzzle" part has to do with where the gun muzzle(s) are positioned on the gun "base", and how they are positioned in relationship to each other. That "X: 0.3" defines the distance apart the muzzel's are.


The "Fire" segment that I referred to earlier (the one where I said it effects specific "bearings" that the gun will refuse to fire when it's in those bearing areas), doesn't have anything in it.....Fire [0] (its above the Type=AAGun). So, even though this is important to check, it appears it's OK too with nothing listed in it.

My only other thought is to look in the "ammo_storage" segment and make sure you have some Heat or AP shells for the gun.


The other part of things is where you use the gun? The ship unit you have the gun used on must allow the gun to fire down to the waterline. AND (I've got to admit, some modders have never gotten this right)……..the Traverse setting allowing the gun to rotate on its left/right axis, must be set correctly to fire when it's on one side of the ship or the other. The port side of the ship unit must have it's traverse setting for its turret different than what's on the starboard. And, they both need to be correctly set to the direction the ship unit is related within its model.

Let me explain. The ship model has a "relative bearing" surrounding the model much like the relative bearing surrounding the sub when you play. The bow of the ship is zero (or 360 degrees); the perpendicular to starboard is 90 degrees; the stern is 180 degrees; perpendicular to port is 270 degrees, and all bearing degrees in-between.

A gun positioned on the starboard side of the ship, that you would want to fire to the starboard side of the ship, should have its "traverse" min=0.0 (starting at zero bearing) and its max=180.0 (goes to the stern of the ship). It fires to the right only. Never to the left. A gun on the port side of the ship that you want to only fire to the left should have the traverse set like this: min=180.0, will only fire to the left. If the ship .sim file you have your gun on is not set correctly, the gun may never fire in the direction you expect. When it's not set correctly you may think the gun is faulty, but in reality, your test target may be on the port side of the gun that the gun is not set up to fire at.

The point is, think of a 360 degrees circle circling around the ship model. This same relative bearing is what's used for the guns (AA, or Cannon) when using the traverse setting. You start at zero, and in a clockwise fashion, you progressively circle around up to the 360 degree starting point. For guns on the port side, you follow the same clockwise idea, but have the minimum begin towards the rear of the ship model, then progress up to it's maximum ending point.

The elevation part is a bit simpler, min=0.0 means it's going to fire straight overhead; max=90.0 means the gun range will go down to the waterline.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 08-31-18 at 08:52 AM.
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