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Old 08-21-18, 03:51 PM   #14
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by XenonSurf View Post
Yes that's true. But I think (I don't know for sure of course, that's why I'm not calling SM a lier!), I think that Sean was convinced to release this kind of build but then realized (maybe on behalf Sony Corp.) that things had to be put out to meet the stringent release date. It's very hard for Sean who maybe had not the necessay public relation 'feeling' to tell all the story about it. The future sales would have suffered a lot, and again: there was still Sony Corp...
So, if I understood correctly, you are saying that Sean Murray wanted to release the build he was showing off everywhere, but due to time they had to release a stripped down build?
And after the decision was made to release the stripped down build, Sean Murray still kept showing off the "better" build and at no point told the consumers that's not the build they are going to get at launch? Again, what would you call that if not lying?

Also, you don't just change builds so late in development. It takes a ton of testing and re-testing to make sure everything in the stripped down build functions not to mention physical copies (not sure if NMS sold those) that need to be shipped off to retailers.

So, if what I understood you are saying *might* have happened, there still would have been plenty of time for Sean Murray to tell people what they were getting. It doesn't matter that it might've affected sales, the point still is that he never told the consumers at what condition the game is going to be released.

Lastly, as HunterICX said, if you're having fun playing it, good for you. I'm not here to tell you what to play, I rather want to remind people who might be thinking of buiyng this polished ball of turd about the company's history.

Last edited by Dowly; 08-21-18 at 04:02 PM.
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