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Old 08-09-18, 10:44 PM   #10
Run silent, run deep
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Dunno if this will help, and am unsure how you currently set up your attacks, but in the stock game, I have had success setting up at 1000-1500 yards 90 deg from the main target bearing line at depth, working to minimize exposure at the depths where they can hear me. (duh )

  • starting out below the thermocline (usually 200-250 ft), I configure the torpedo settings and confirm silent running.
  • Beginning the ascent puts the crew on battle stations.
  • Pause at 150-160 feet (below most DD hearing) and survey the situation on the plotting board.
    • Assuming no nearby "sidekick" DDs, when the lead DD passes past my 11-12:00, I start to ascend, watching the tracks of the targets, trying to get the main target ship at 40ish degrees ascending through 100 ft or so,
    • the attack periscope is raised and set at the approximate target bearing.
  • Once at periscope depth, I acquire the target(s), track and fire. (If using the O'Kane method, that will be 10-12 degrees before the boat's 12:00)
  • As soon as the torpedoes are launched (as a rule, 3 for large ships, 2 for medium, one for small), I silently submerge toward 250 ft while moving ahead at 1 kt, determine which DD is likely to be a problem, and formulate a plan to avoid him.
  • As soon as I am safely below the thermocline, the speed can increase to 5 kt and zig zag evasive maneuvering begun to have the stern pointed to the nearest DD much of the time, using the zig zags to check progress.
Since this is in the stock game, YMMV with TMO.

Good hunting!!
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