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Old 08-03-18, 04:13 PM   #5
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Note that Bradley was excluzsiuvely about the broken technology in the patches. Last month ALL their patches and patches of patches were broken.

You must see it from companies' perspective: for them,. nonö.functiuonal stations and brokmjen softwar environment translates into work not getting done, customers getting driven away, it translates directlyas and idnirectly into loss of money. Not to mention the over-hours and over-hours the IT departments and tech guys have to run in order to find workaround, pevent broken BS getting downlaode dna dn installed, tryxing to fix and repair the least wave of mess and dilletantism that Microsoft has enforced to unload on machines that are not theirs.

For small businesses that are too small to have their own IT department, the small shop kepper and service provide, the failures of Microsoft can threaten their very existence, or reduce their monthly income signficantly, and make them lose customers of which they may not have as many as if they just can shrug their shoulders and forget about it. If you enter your business office and find your IT has breoken down or you cannot communciate withg your staff or customers or printers do not print or your database got compromised or... or... or...

For you and me, its just about gaming. Entertainment. Fun with a console. There are many people who need fucntional computer hardware to earn their monthly living. Preferrable without needing to invest eight additional hours per week just for repairing Windows, cleaning the mess it left in the kitchen, and/or paying significant sums of money in the process of rreapring damage that would not be there if Microsoft would have done its homework properly. These days they do not even seem to have a beta testing team worth the name anymore.

Microsoft does what Microsoft is, no surprise therefore. I would just wish people start to draw consequences in bigger numbers. If one wants Microsoft leaving the market and software developers starting to develope for other OS in bigger quantity, this can only be achieved by REDFUCING THE DEMAND. But most people are only caring about finding excuses for not doing so. And that in the end is at the cost OF ALL.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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