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Old 05-25-06, 07:51 PM   #18
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Molon Labe
Can you add a weapon/sonobuoy drop altitude limit that causes the weapon/sonobuoy to fail if the parameter is exceeded (like a missile fired from too deep)? Or, if wind drift effects are modelled against falling objects, simulate the effect of a parachute that opens at a realistic altitude?
Yes, I can use the doctrines to disable sonobuoys or torpedoes drop above a certain altitude, however, the problem is that the AI has to be able to fire these things from any altitude because it isn't programed to fly to low level before engaging targets, I could try to enable this behavior but its too much of a pain frankly... plus, the airdales seem to like doing this as a balance to the mast issue.

I see it as a zero sum game, so I'm going to leave it as is.
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