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Old 07-25-18, 11:14 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2016
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I think your first mistake was starting.

You are now doomed to many more nights playing, and perusing the forums, discussing all manner methods and techniques with witch to snag your prey.

You know you've been bitten by the "stealth/sneak" bug when you start playing the Splinter Cell series as well, and laughing while you hang on a pipe while the oblivious gaurd walks under you.

Also happens when you are "in" your sub.
"I'M RIGHT HERE GUYS, HELLO? What, no ping? Maybe 1 ping? No? Fine."
*Fires torpedo*
*Frantic pinging*
*Rampant and frantic pinging*
*Fires another torpedo"

Rinse, Repeat.

Also, keep in mind, you have gone to far when you play in the dark, with nothing but the glow of your monitor.
AND you smell like fuel, exhaust, and motor oil.

Or maybe that's just because I was under the hood of a car recently????

Anyhoo, welcome to the insane asylum, enjoy your stay.

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