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Old 07-20-18, 02:48 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
^ yes, basically..

But first let us exploit Africa for rare earths (needed for smartphones, computers, batteries etc.) and pay them 20 US cent per hour, if at all.

Or we support certain factions in a country against other factions that criticize us, and get a civil war going, so they are forced to sell their stuff cheap, for cash and weapons.

Or install a dictator in the middle east so the oil supply is guaranteed.. until the dictator's opinion changes, then we invade, kill him and let the country go down the drain, as long as resources keep coming. Or we make him a pariah, and install sanctions.

Or we stand up for human rights in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Panama and help those countries.. we can see how well they do now.

And when some poor souls decide that they have to leave their country for their bare life, we deny them entry, so they all have to flee to the nearest countries, of the EU.
And then we complain about the EU, leave it, and accuse them of letting too much bloody foreigners in

Why not send them to those countries who are responsible for the mess?

(wishful thinking I know...)
You can lay that guilt trip all you want. Africa and Middle Easts problems don't all stem from Western exploitation and meddling. That's simply not true. Both the middle east and Africa have many cultural norms and internal disputes that pre-date western colonization and intervention or have remained unchanged by it. The Suni's and Shia's have been fighting each other for best part of the last two thousand years. How is that 'Americas fault?'

Remember India, Hong Kong and much of south east Asia was also colonized by the west - Japan was even Nuked by the west, yet somehow they are all doing pretty good. At some point you must recognize the agency of those people to collectively choose their own destiny. To do otherwise is to infantlize them as helpless, incapable victims, which is a form of bigotry in itself.

Secondly, Migrants are fine but they need to enter a nation though the proper channels not just climb the fence. That is illegal in just about every nation on earth. Why does the EU have to be the exception? regardless of history. Nobody has a Right/Entitlement go and live in what ever nation they damn well please with complete disregard for the nations borders and laws. I don't care what people did in 1819 or 1918 - that doesn't justify anything in now 2018.

Thirdly, mass migration from the Middle East and Africa is having an inevitable social impact on host nations. You think our children should pay the price for our Parents and Grandparents mistakes?
Multi cultural society's can work great, but only when those joining them are ideologically diverse (Race is irrelevant - unless your a far right/ far left moron) and are able to support/abide by the host nations laws and culture to some degree.

The people making a fuss about migrants are many of the working class people on whose communities the migrants are dumped on by the authorities.
While many of the progressive middle class (living in nice neighborhoods) are very pro Migrant of course, they have no problem with other people paying for their morality.

Its not rocket science, I plan to migrate to Spain in a few years, that means I must learn Catalan language and culture - so that I can integrate and be accepted, Not arrogantly demand everyone else learns to understand British Culture and speak English to make feel included- What kind of sense of entitlement is that?
That applies to not only to me but ANYONE migrating to ANY Country. Its migrant 101.

Understand that if you constantly grovel to a group of people over some historical injustice committed by your group, know that there will be no shortage of psychotic activists in that 'victim' group' who will say its never enough - and they will never be happy until you are subordinate to their every whim. they will simply exploit that guilt to gain power over you. They will interpret that guilt not as empathy, but as a weak and contemptible.

Last edited by JU_88; 07-20-18 at 06:10 AM.
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