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Old 07-19-18, 05:52 AM   #5
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Some hundred poor souls per year is one thing. Currently several dozens of millions of poor souls sit on packed baggage. There are countings that even talk of hundreds of millions from africa and the Middle east alone. And it will not get better in the next generations.

You allow emotions to corrupt reason. And you seem to expect hat reality will bow to your compassion and the laws of nature thus will bend.

You also ignore that it takes two to abuse one of them. You ignore that many problems in africa no longer can be attributed to imperialism and colonial abuse, but are deeply rooted in the continent's own cutural fundament - which to change would be a case for the Africans, not for us. It is Africans voting for corrupt governments, and it is Africans obeying in huge numbers old tribal relations and hostilities. You also ignore that there is a new foreign key player reshuffling the chips on the African table and that we have no control over: China.

Stop that dust-covered socialist self-flagellation telling us that it is always and only america's fault, our fault, the West'S fault. Fair trade, yes, I am all for transparent and free trade (fairness then comes all by itself), but still the most of the reasons making Africans wanting to move to Europe are beyond reach of Westerners thinking they just need to pay some billions here and there and then the causes of migration are gone and people will stop coming. They will come in even higher numbers, because they have learned that where the little help is comign from, obviously much more can be gotten from.

Be attractive as a target, and they will keep coming and their numbers will not shrink, but grow. Scare them away, and have live TV coverage across Africa showing on TV how they fail and get stuck and end up in misery, and they will start thinking twice whether its worth it. There is a reason why deterring and restrictive migrant policies are so incredibly much more successful in their net effectiveness than European and Western policies of the present. We also have incredible social wellfare spendings - and get ever more social wellfare receivers. We battle poverty, and get ever more poverty, it seems. We battle bureauracy and by that increase it. We sort garbage and waste, and produce ever more garbage and waste. We spend ever more development aid, and get Muslim extremism and local corruption and so every more migration in return.

Our ways do not work. And your way of thinking about it in simplistic answers does not work as well. Myself I would already be satisfied if we stop selling military equipment as if it were just any trading good, and stop paying corrupt politicians and government in Africa, and withdraw businesses from china and so open the option to crack down on Chinese influence in Eurpean and especially german economy. Our cravign for creating mutual harmony leads us deeper and deeper into lethal dependency that forces us into self-paralysis and inability to react to anything at all anymore. We strangle ourselves with our endless self-flagellation and concerns and worries. That is no good way to survive the global spread of Chinese influence without needing to pay submissive tributes to global Islam, and Bejing.

Thats typically German: to assume one just needs to walk over there and then can save the world, just en passant. "Peanuts!" Hysterical romanticism I often call it. Politicians' logic that is simplified beyond any rest of a meaning.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-19-18 at 06:01 AM.
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