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Old 07-05-18, 10:35 AM   #7991
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do you let every stranger from the street walking straight through your living room? Do you allow any stranger knocking on your door to camp in your garden?

Whats more, do you let any army, even a friendly one, simply navigate on your soil, any police in pursue cross the border and conduct operation inside your nation's territory? It is beign done a bit like this in parts of Europe, Dutch and German police for exampel can pursue some kilometers into the neighbouring state. For more, they have to ask first. Its a special regulation, however, this border-crossing policing.

The farmer having fields and meadows, has he any obligation to allow people camping on his ground, in his forest? Anyone who has declared a private street that leads through his property, must he nevertheless allow everybody using it?

This is the iindividual property right. I think social communities like cities or provinces or states have something similiar. They were formed up over history because of shared characteristics and company and cooperation of the people living there: it starts with race an skin colour indeed (whether political correctness fans like it or not, these factors count heavy for many people), goes over religion and habits and rites and values, and results in past and present economic cooperation that resulted in building manifestations of this civilization's realm: cities, law codices, a grown sense of cultural identity, an own culture, language, monuments... Those who formed and lived and worked for in these contexts, are the rulers and owners of the place, this land. And that gives them property rights that override wishes of foreigners arriving and wanting to pass through or settle there. That is the sovereignity of states defending their borders.

When I was there, in Libya in the 90s, I learned that until today sometimes conflicts form up or are maintained since generations, because a man of some Tuareg tribe once drank without asking or having permission - or was explicitly forbidden - to drink from a well in the desert that was laid claim for by another tribe.

Human communities claim territory on which they live and that they have declared as theirs by using this ground and tranforming it into their living place as they saw fit. These property rights are most fundamental and in my view almost natural. It can be a hierarchy of such claims for land property rights - the individual owning a flat, the clan owning a house with surrounding farming ground, a small village or regional community, a town, a city, a province, a state. And I do not see how a foreign person from outside this context could just walk in and claim to have any rights inside the contexts. He can ask to be allowed passing, and he can ask to be allowed to stay. But he has to accept the reply he gets. Jim said it: my house, my rules.

What do you think Neal would say if I travel over to Houston and tell him I now build my little house on his land, and that he has to live with that since I declare that to be my right? I assume he would be pissed and my action probably would end our mutually polite behaviour very quickly. LOL Texan chainsaw against German Katana comes next.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-05-18 at 10:50 AM.
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