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Old 07-05-18, 05:28 AM   #7986
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Some key points on migration.

1. A local population has the right to own its place where it lives in. It thus has any right one wants zto proclaim to decide whom it lets in. And it can say No. Of course it can say No. Nothing illegal, nothing Nazi, nothing immoral in that.

2. There is no general human right to move whereever you want, to stettle whereever you want, to get allowed in whereever you want. Such a human right would be in itself a violation of human rights - those of the local residents.

3. Lets face it, in the end, integration means peaceful, voluntary assimilation. Anything else necessarily means to establish a parallel or sub culture. Maybe about no other detail there is so much sentimkental confusaion about in Europe than about this: if you integrate yourself that means you allow getting assimiliated. Thats what integration is about.

4. One must differentiate between the various migrant groups, not just legally, but especially regarding the cultural background of theirs. Some of these groups give massively higher probabilities for troubles and intentional rejection of integration, than others. The problematic groups best are ignored and left out. Who is not willing to integrate, must leave. Even years later, if integration has seen no substantial improvement.

5. You go to another place - you respect the house rules of the people there, in full. Period. You do not negotiate them. You do not set up demands. You do not commit criminal acts. - You ask. You accept the answer, positive or negative. You walk on somebody else's land - you ask for permission before. His land is not yours. His home is not your home.

6. You do not have claim for the fruits of the labour and maintenance local residents and societies have collected inside their realms where they rule and live. If you are foreign to their lands and people, you have no such claim. Because you did not contribute to forming their place and history. You are an alien. Being an invited guest does not make you a shared property holder.

All the above is true for refugees as well. But unfortunately, political agitators of the left and the mainstream - which nowadays more or less is the same - have made it a tactict to talk of ALL migrants as refugees. Combat rhetorics.

7.Activists are right, nobody can be illegal. That would be nonsense, yes. But the status you have in a foreign established society - that status can be illegal indeed: then when you are staying although not beign invited and being told you have to leave. And that is what its about. Activists should and probably do know that, still use this phrasing. More combat rhetorics.

8. Many Muslim leaders and countries use migration as a weapon, use demography as a weapon. It is planned. The goal is to suck the blood of the better places in this world, and to spread their own influence in those places, and acchieving Islamic dominance. He who still denies this, needs his eyes cleaned out with soap and water.

9. The general asylum right there is now, is invalid. It must be, inherently, naturally. It necessarily must be, because in its current undiscriminatory generalising format it necessarily comes at the cost of violating another human right: the right of the local residents for freedom and the right of the local residents for owning private property. That is violating two of the just three human rights there are. The asylum laws there are now, internationally, must be replaced. Also, granting asylum does not mean automatically to give that person unlimited right to stay. It only means to give that person shelter and supply for a certain limited time. The staying time is finite, asylum does not automatically mean the person gets infinite right to stay forever. You enter hospital, or seek protection from a danger in a police HQ: fine. But you definitely do not make your new home in there, you do not stay forever. Nationalising an asylum seeker neither his is right he cna claim, nor an automatism, in fact it should be individually decided on the grounds of whether or not the asylum seeker is asset or liability for the social system. I understand it to be the exception from the rule. People offering qualifications needed in - in my case - Germany and able to maintain themselves, are welcomed more than people who arte unqualified and unlikely to integrate or unlikely to maintain themselves over the long run.

10. Westerners are not responsible for all the evils in the world. The historical conflicts of tribes in africa, are not their conflicts. The claims of people in the Middle east must not be their command. The West is not the world's servant. Others have the right to want to be where we are. But they have no right to demand beign given a free ride. The path from their status to our status - they have to walk by themselves. And if they cannot because their old tradiitons and views and rites and habits are so dera and precious to them, then this is their decision and it is them who have to face the consequences of their choice. Its not the West's moral duty to catapult everybody else into the 21st century. There were times when this would have been called "imperialism".


11. And people coming here, cannot be at the same time "there". Their working force to rebuild their countries, is missing. Most of those being allowe din today, will never return. The Syrians beign here, risk their lives if they would return, and Assad already said he doe snot let them in anymore. The longer the stay, the lesser the remainign chance that the foreigner will ever leave again.

12. Official statistics claim just one in four migrants in Germany work, mostly in the low wage sector, I am sceptical about that humber, however. But of these one-in four, around 90% work in jobs that are not future proof, will not survive once the German boom gives up. Then all these success stories that politicians now tell, will turn into stories of net social wellfare receivers. Hooray.

13. More and more people claiming the same material life style like the excessive consummerism in the West - what does this mean for ecological preservation and resource management? Asking this question is considered to be coldhearted and inhumane. But its a decisively important question. We are too many already now. Recycling bottles in Germany and sorting our garbage means nothign in the great scheme of things. Alternative farming misses the needed efficiency to create the high itensity harvests needed to feed such a huge world population. High intensity farming however poisons the groudn water, lowers groudn water levels, poisons the environment, keeps the extinction of species in high gear. Three quarters of the biomass formed by insects is said to have gone since I think the mid or late 70s. Count the flies on your windshield of your car - therwe wont be many, if any. When I was still at school, it was impossible to drive into summer holiday without cleaning the screen twice or three times during the trip.

This migrant stuff, it always gets evaluated on the gorund os pure sentiment and hyperactive "emotionality". That is the worst it can be. He who thinks he can make good decisions while being in a state of roused emotions or moral absolutes, errs: he gets decided.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-05-18 at 08:42 AM.
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