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Old 07-03-18, 03:25 AM   #7983
Silent Hunter
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@ Cat fish, So nations protecting their borders against illegal immigration and wanting to sustain the population are 'Nazis'?
If so - can you name one nation on earth that aren't Nazis? How about China are they nazis too? Iran? India? Brazil?

Its not rocket science, If there is an influx of people of one or two demographics into any nation in a very short space of time - the result in the short term is going to be social upheaval and tribalism.
10-20 years down the line the latter can (hopefully) settle down. But if you want to sustain a peaceful multi cultural society /melting pot, it essential that the flow of migration is controlled, and those arriving are as diverse as possible, thus more likely to integrate with the existing population.
Personally I don't care how ethnically diverse or homogeneous a place is, that is irreverent. so long a people are decent to each other and have common ground. but understand that only reason the western nations want migrants at all - is that governments (faced with dwindling birth rates) need more tax payers to cough up for an otherwise unsustainable system. Corporations love it too because it usually means cheaper labour. Thats it, terms like 'cultural enrichment' are just the way its sold to the masses.
Immigration is also a quick band aid fix for any nation with challenging systemic societal problems (e.g low birth rates and lack of skills,) which never need to be confronted, so long as you keep applying those band aids.
What the west has done in the past 50 years is one giant social/economic experiment. Has it worked? Yes and No.- depends where you cherry pick.
While being overwhelmingly anti immigration is unrealistic in the modern world. Being overwhelmingly Pro migration at this stage is little more than being pro - kick the can down the road.
Western societies have in someways become of the most free, advanced, open and accepting societies, but have also become some of the most apathetic, fattest, laziest, spoiled and infantalised.

Last edited by JU_88; 07-03-18 at 04:28 AM.
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