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Old 06-23-18, 01:13 PM   #488
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Schroeder View Post
That's brutal.

Since I've got too much time, here's the report of 3.Division's combat on June 19th. I put it in chronological order, since it wasn't.
The Finnish unit was Infantry Regiment 11.

The enemy began heavy artillery and mortar shelling on the regiment's sector, concentrating most of the fire between base "Kaneli" and Iso Kiskisjärvi. Especially strong fire was also directed towards bases "Turisti", "Etu", "Kivi" and "Saarinen"

Reserves were formed from regiment's supply troops and [illegible] under Lieutenant Rauma(?), strength 4+29+129. The reserve was positioned at this moment near "Messuhalli".
Enemy planes appeared at the same time, flying east to west making strafing and bombing runs on our front and rear positions.

6/JR11 -- the division's reserve -- alarmed.
About a platoon of enemies advanced towards "Horsma" on III.battalion's sector under the cover of the morning mist and smoke boxes. The enemy got 30 metres from our positions before our small-arms fire forced them to take cover. Behind them advanced 200-250 more enemies towards "Horsma".

Enemy infantry (~2 comp.) began their attack towards "Turisti", advancing to our obstacles and sending a smaller group forwards that captured 50 metres of our trenches.

Commander of 6/JR11 Lieutenant Nylund reported in at the command post. 6/JR11 is to stay at their living area for now.
The local forces at "Turisti" had successfully thrown out the enemy that had gotten into our trenches. At the same time our fire mission struck the rest of the enemy forces in front of "Turisti" causing them heavy casualties and forcing them to retreat at about 0430hrs.

Received word that "Turisti" was captured by the enemy.
The sun and morning winds dissipated the mist and smoke which allowed for our infantry to see the advancing enemy near "Horsma", forcing them to retreat under fire behind the so called "Vilukukkula" hill.

Report from Lieutenant Patakaski that "Turisti" is still fully in friendly hands.

Runner reported that the fighting at "Turisti" has ended.

Fighting at "Horsma" has ended.

Our mortars fired behind "Vilukukkula" hill.

I.Battalion - 1 KIA, 1 WIA
III.Battalion - 1 KIA, 6 WIA
Enemy losses: 30 KIA counted infront of "Horsma", lots of wounded judging by the cries and enemy medics seen.
Estimated enemy KIA/WIA: 150
For the thousands of Finns who obviously read this thread, the original pages in more exact detail (but not in chronological order) can be read here:
Page 1:
Page 2:

Or alternatively from the National Archives war diary archive: (Pages 8-9)
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