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Old 06-22-18, 04:04 PM   #11
Sea Lord
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I remember Dangerous Waters, Sub Command and Jane's 688. In these sims more focus is actually placed on strategic elements, enemy units are part of a bigger picture in the war effort and you can edit interesting and long scenarios if you want. To succeed you will have to do well in a serie of missions, and not just in a random encounter put together by a Random Number Generator (RNG).

Such inclusions would be fine in Cold Waters, I agree completly.
It would be the best idea for future updates of CW: Expand on larger series of missions that are *linked together* while keeping the excellent randomness of particular encounters. By doing so the player would certainly feel that he has a precise and important place in the war, playing a campaign of 10-15 single missions that are logically linked together - but different each time you play.

I think this is possible with the current engine of CW.

Another road to take for future updates would be to focus on a more immersive feeling *onboard* a submarine, meaning the game would include a command room + an engine room to give the orders you are currently giving (operation + damage repairs). This would be a nice addition to the only periscope view and the somewhat meager 'compartment and damage window'.

I would like CW to take the first road: Better campaign missions.

Whatever, I would certainly pay additional money for a good DLC

Last edited by XenonSurf; 06-22-18 at 04:13 PM.
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