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Old 06-16-18, 10:03 PM   #4838
Fleet Admiral
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I think it would be a monumental mistake for the DNC to nominate Hillary for president. As last election proved, the baggage she has (whether deserved or undeserved) is an unsurmountable barrier for too many voters.

And honestly, I don't think she can bring anything to the table that would justify the risk of them losing another election.

Henry Ford once said " You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do" But, in my opinion, that's all that Hillary has done---built her reputation on what she is going to do, but not a lot on what she was actually able to do. All one has to do is look at her record after 8 years in the Senate and 4 years as SecState. Lots of what she wants to do and what she promises to accomplish, but rather light on being able to actually accomplish things.

As I have written in the past, Hillary's legacy is being probably the only candidate that could lose against a buffoon like Trump.

The DNC better pick a winnable candidate for 2020. The Democrats are perfectly capable of losing the 2020 election as they did in 2016.
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