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Old 06-14-18, 05:04 AM   #519
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We already have fallen out of the law and order state, Bleiente - not just since Merkel, who breaks laws and treaties as she pleases. The state can and does constantly unilaterally chnage rules and laws to his liking. Poltical actors cannot be voted out, they also get brought back into the game by their buddies in the background. Failures and insufficient services does not legitimise citizens to sue state and politicians.

In principle we still live by rules of the medieval where a small group of landlords owned the peasants and even could demand compensation from a village if a worker died and his working power vanished.

Democracy in the end is just a failed attempt to get away from those conditions. But the chnages it made, were just cosmetical - and also are always ruinous for the collective society. I am not the first pointing out that democracy in the modern understanding of this term - not the ancient greek one, which was totally diferent - always necessarily leads into socialist dictatorship.

Many modest-minded, reasonable, rational, caring people turn away from this state nowadays, refuse to actively stand up for it any longer, acitvely getting engaged for it, or invetsing their resources into it. I refuse to do so, too. When people like these are willing to tolerate even radical nutheads and violent revolutionists, because they see no other way to change the current state elsewise, then this depletes the community of its best minds and capable caretakers, and shows how desillusionised these people are. Obviously polticians are so dumb that they do not even realise this danger to themselves while it stares them angrily straight into their face.

Some people are so full of themselves that they even cannot imagine that somebody not liking them and not seeing them as indispensable is a real possibility. And if they get a doubt, they try to force the others to like them, by laws, by sanctionising them, criminalising them, opening the media witch hunt on them.

Henry Louis Mencken, whom I stumbled over some weeks ago, has some nice remarks worth to be quoted:

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorrance."

"Every election is sort of an auction of stolen goods."

"Democracy is th art of running the circus from the monkey cage."

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, raise the black flag and begin slitting throats."

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is simple, clear, and wrong."

He also said this:
"We are here and we are now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine."

All ideolgiosts claim they know the final truth and they know that their ideolgioy works - "if only this", "if only that". If it fails once again, it never is its fault, and if it succeeds - well, does it ever? These people never think they must subject themselves to the principle of test and experiment, of verification and falsification, they must not test their claims becasue they believe and claim they "know" they are true. They are running a religion with themselves being the idol, at least the prophet, at its centre.

Such people are a pest, tormenting mankind since ages.

I say leave it to the people, to field experiments, to the market. Have many different appro9ahce son a question, and see what works in reality, and what not. And there you have your answer. Workign answers will be copied by others, failing answers will be rejected by others - no matter your claim that yiou "know" that in piciple it should work, andn would work "if only" this, "if only" that.

Politicans and political parties must be overcome and must be get away with by ignoring them and showing something that works without them and by that reveals how useless and irrelevant they really are. In the end, they are only useless imposters, antisocial parasites.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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