Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 06-01-18, 11:29 AM   #6049
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Originally Posted by Larrywb57
Can the mod Big Better Protractors be used. Hard to see the numbers on the map compass with these old eyes!
Yes, the Bigger Better Protractors by White just fine!

Originally Posted by Hitman
Originally Posted by CapnScurvy
Upcoming work for Ultimate.....AI Sensor modifications...... after "verifying" that what they read, is what you get? In other words, checking to see if a 1000 yards maximum range is truly a 1000 yards range? I've got my suspicions that it is not and that's why the AI (game controlled units) Visuals, Sonar, Radar, Hydrophone are producing superhuman tendencies in-game. Not that a little of this is all bad but, I want more realistic game play.
From what I have experienced so far, the own crew visual sensors are pretty well adjusted, I have yet to be in a situation where I can see a ship/plane and my crew can't spot it or the opposite. This is true both night and day, so good job thus far in that regard!

Regarding the enemy visual sensor, I have not taken real risks, so I can't say if the merchant crew sensors can spot you easily or not, but I tend to think they are more in the "stupid" side (Which is fine). Once a ship is hit, though, they are quite alert and can spot you surfacing at night at 2-3000 yards where they had not seen you surfaced previously. Their gun accurancy is good with small weapons, not as good with deck guns, which again is a relief and probably quite realistic.

Finally, I am shooting ships with salvos of two torpedoes each, always one set for contact, one for magnetic pistol. Contact fuses are quite reliable, magnetic ones are failing around 50%.
The AI visual setting is what I'm working on. I'm trying to get an AI detection of a surface sub at an approximate maximum range of 6000 yards or less during the day, in 5mph sea state (anything over this is too far away). Also allowing a detection of a submerged sub with just the periscope showing at about 1200-1500yds max range for the same type of environment. AND, having a surfaced sub NOT detected at 1200yds range or more on a moon less night! Believe me, this is tricky! A parameter change to one aspect, effects the others! Getting them to all do the stated behavior is going to take some "out of the box" thinking. This behavior is NOT what the game does now. Night attacks do not work as I've described, although this is truly a realistic expectation for night attacks!

That's what I'm testing/working on.

Originally Posted by Immelmann
Command room depth gauges do not agree with each other, nor do they agree with the task bar depth reading. Task bar value seems to agree with selected and desired depth.

edit: Also engine tachometers frozen at 150 rpm.
You don't state how far the depth gauges are off? If's it's 10 feet or big deal. You have to remember something, the Stock game didn't even expect you to read the gauges......especially the engine tachometers!! You couldn't move around the Command Room to even get a look at the things......not to mention read them.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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