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Old 05-18-18, 05:48 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Definitely not. I am running only TWoS 2.2.5
I have had the occasional CTD here and there since beginning the war some 6 months or so ago, never anything that wasn't fixed by reloading the game. This actually may have started at the end of my last patrol. I entered the bunker, and upon talking to the weapons/ gear officer I had a CTD. It seemed odd, so I re-loaded my previous save and returned to port. This time without issue. Then this issue cropped up on my current patrol, and there seems to be no work-around. When this began I was running 2.1.0, and I updated to 2.2.5 in the hopes that this might alleviate the problem. (Yeah, I know that it is recommended to re-install the game for this update) but all else seems to work great. The game works great right up until 21:00 on 12/10/43. Seemed like a radio issue to me as well. Perhaps a message from BDU at this time which is causing the issue? BUt why? All other messages have come through without issue. I can if all else fails start another career, just hate to do it.
Thank you VDR for an outstanding MOD, and your support. Thanks as well to this great community (Berbster, and too many others to name)
-Rolf Veare U-51 La Palice (maybe?)
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