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Old 04-26-18, 04:58 PM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2012
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I, too, have been playing video games since the late 1980's -- PC, console, arcade, you name it.

As with the so called shooter games, none of the video games, no matter how they are presented, are realistic. There are elements of realism, and so called immersive features.

This game, as with all I've ever played, is not realistic. It does have, however, elements of realism and immersion.

As perhaps one of the greatest producers of video games noted [Tom Clancy], you have to find a balance between realism and play-ability. Too much of one or the other will only appeal to one, usually small, segment.

No matter what a producer or developer does, everyone will not be happy with the outcome.

In terms of the so called flaws and bugs in this game, I have found my share but they are comparatively far and few between -- flaws and bugs, usually, fixed post haste by this game's developers. A rare find, indeed.

While there could be a number of enhancements and improvements to this game, as with most titles, I am, for the most part, happy with this game. It hearkens to an older age of gaming with a newer age of visuals.

If you can't or don't understand the many nuances that many on this board refer to as bugs, or whatever terminology you are using, that is because you are trying to compare a Tom Clancy-esque type game with a Jane's game. You can't. And, sometimes **** just happens in this game as it might actually occur in real life. Ditto the shooter games -- which most people, like the sub sims, have have no actual time in. So, to gripe endlessly, as some do, just illustrates their ignorance and Pampers heritage.

Finally, this is one of the very few modern games I can play while multi-tasking on a low to mid-end gaming laptop. And it still looks, sounds, and performs great!

I, for one, truly appreciate what the producer and developers of this game have done. Until the release of this game, I thought fun, good looking sub sims was a thing of the past, and or that any new sub sim would require the latest in computing hardware, as so many of the newest titles do -- if you want to experience a fluid, good looking game.

We all have things we would like to see changed. Make those duly noted. But how about not coming off as though they created a 2nd-rate piece of crap that never gets it right.

Wow...rant over.
Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate: to every man upon this earth death come soon or late. And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his gods.
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