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Old 04-15-18, 02:32 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
The Biggest US Navy Force Since Iraq Invasion May Be Sailing Toward Syria

Hmmm... does this sound right? Get ready, Russia.

So, does anyone know the balance of naval power in the region? How many US ships vs how many Russian ships?

This is like a Dangerous Waters scenario playing out in real life, I only hope if shooting breaks out, it ends when one force sinks the other force.

The Current Russian fleet presence is limited to a few landing vessels and a fleet oiler along with Udaloy & Sovremenny class destroyers.

What we have not seen yet is the sailing of the Kuznetsov and Kirov class cruisers (yes i got that right before you say she is an aircraft carrier) we also have seen no real activity From the black sea which is the closest fleet to the action.

Black sea fleet has some 45 active warships the largest being Moskva a slava class cruiser and the next being Kerch a smitlevvy class destroyer a vintage 1960's era warship that's been heavily modified and upgraded, in support are 3 new frigates and also some older vessels of the Krivack class.

In support roles for landing troops there are Aligator class and Roupucha (a couple of the latter class are known to be in Syria right now along with a fleet oiler.

Recently the only submarine that was operated in the Black sea was the Alrosa she has since been joined by 6 others of the more improved and new designed Project 636.3 Kilo class, we do know there is likely to be one of these vessels on station at the moment.

It is also likely the a Northern fleet attack submarine likely to be of the Project 971U class (Akula Improved) on station it wouldn't now be uncommon for a Project 949A/M to take up station as well and if Trump is sending a carrier group that way then it is very likely one or two may be dispatched in the coming days but as of yet no sailings have taken place.

Currently the Russians do not disclose submarine activity but from what i gather reading between the lines there are some 8 russian submarines at sea at the moment from the Northern and Black sea fleet's at least 2 of these will be SSBN's the other is likely to be From the baltic and also Northern.

At the moment the assessment i would give is that the NATO alliance has the numbers although keep an eye on the black sea fleet.
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