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Old 04-13-18, 01:26 PM   #5287
Red Heat
Ace of the Deep
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2 Dec. 1938 After a long period of hard training in the Flotilla Weddigen
We finaly recebe orders at 2 Aug. 1939 to join the 2ª Flotilla Saltzwedel, a combat Flotilla. 3 Aug. 1939 Wilhelmshaven, i recebe my first command, the U-33 a class VIIB U-boot. After the inspection, we recebe green light to set Sail. The U-boot its full armed, full provisions on board, the Uboot its clear to Sea. My orders was to patrol grid BF18, and mean while, in my quarters, i say good bye for now, and the world can live another day in peace, waiting from the storm...

The first war patrol, better, "peace patrol", and after check all the radio messages, i give the order to my 2nd in command to proced to a full exercices program and emergency Maneuvers, testing the crew, and officiers. The weather report: The must of the time, clouds particial, precipitation none, visibility moderate, wind speed 14 knots per second, direction: variable. Note: 15 Aug. 1939, 0803.hrs Order: Return to Wilhelmshaven. Patrol tonnage: 0 tons

25 Aug. 1939, 2118.hrs, we set sail for the 2ª war patrol, the Uboot its on course. After the briefing, i open my orders and our mission was to patrol grid BF16. 3 Set. 1939, 1920.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AM 53, 4894 tons. 5 Set. 1939, 0953.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk grid AM 57, 4902 tons. 16 Set. 1939, 0235.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AM 52, 5171 tons. 18 Set. 1939, 1315.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk grid AM 35, 4903 tons. 19 Set. 1939, 0225.hrs Order: Return to Wilhelmshaven.
Patrol tonnage: 19870 tons

6 Out. 1939, 0816.hrs we left Wilhelmshaven, Mission Orders: Patrol grid BE61. 3ª war patrol, The weather report: clouds partial, precipitation none, moderate wind speed 15 per second, direction 45. 10 Out. 1939, 1503.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AN 47, 6313 tons. 2345.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AN 44, 5036 tons. 11 Out. 1939, 1152.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: AN 41, 4347 tons. 12 Out. 1939 , 0457.hrs Order: Return to Wilhelmshaven.
Patrol tonnage: 15696 tons

31 Out. 1939, 1615.hrs we left the harbour behind, and the U-33 take the Ocean. 4ª war patrol against the enemy. The crew gain some experience in this last war patrols, they earn the right to be aboard. Before the leaves, i recomend the Iron Cross, Second Class for the all crew and officiers. 12 Nov. 1939, 1925.hrs contact: SS Kilissi (Small Merchant), 2396 tons. Cargo: Timber. Crew: 78. Crew lost: 14. Enemy ship sunk: grid AM 41. 13 Nov. 1939, 1659.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AM 41, 3516 tons. 14 Nov. 1939, 0933.hrs contact: Merchant, enemy ship sunk: grid AM 19, 3902 tons. 19 Nov. 1939, 0643.hrs contact: Medium Merchant, enemy ship sunk: AM 54, 6075 tons. 0745.hrs Rockall Bank, Order: Return to base. Note: 19 Nov. 1939, I was promoted to Kapitanleutnant, and earn the Iron Cross, Second Class.
Patrol tonnage: 15889 tons


"There is three kinds of man: the living, the death,
and those who are at Sea."

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