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Old 03-31-18, 11:12 PM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2014
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I don't see what you're talking about it in 20 and 30 min stamps.

Let me clarify on what i mean, even if you havent detected the sub, the torp will be seen in your main view the moment it is launched, even if its not shown on the map. Which makes no sense.

Instead of being sneaky and trying to find subs before they find you, the fastest way in dealing with them is being noisy and getting detected, they will launch torps no matter the range at you and give away their relative position.

Torpedoes literally cant sneak up on you in this game, you are always aware of their position, however they are only shown when you have a sub as a contact, which doesnt make sense either.

Another, urelated thing which also can be exploited is clicking on contacts, the camera will switch to the contact even if you have no firing solution yet, it will not rended the model, but based on the cameras position and sound that plays you can tell if its a surface ship, a bio, or a sub.
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