Thread: [REL] Depth Charge noise mod
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Old 02-19-18, 04:47 PM   #2
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by schlechter pfennig View Post

Depth charges are an anti-submarine warfare weapon, intended to destroy a submarine by being dropped into the water in the close proximity of a suspected submarine's location, and then detonating, which subjects the target to a powerful and destructive hydraulic shock.

Their effectiveness required the combined resources and skills of many individuals during an attack. Sonar, helm, depth charge crews and the movement of other ships had to be carefully coordinated. Even so, there were two major drawbacks even the best-trained depth charge attack crew faced: one was that, in order to deploy its depth charges a ship had to pass over the contact, dropping them over the stern; sonar contact would be lost just before attack, rendering the hunter blind at the crucial moment. This gave a skillful submarine commander an opportunity to take evasive action. Secondly, in the minutes immediately following the explosion of a depth charge passive sonar was unable to track contact due to the massively disturbed and displaced water churning as a result of the explosion, and even active sonar/ASDIC had severe difficulty reacquiring contact right afterwards. This gave the aforementioned skillful submarine commander yet a second chance to disengage and evade.

The depth charge noise mod simulates both the short-term, immediate, and the long-term, lingering, effects of a depth charge explosion. When a depth charge explodes it creates a spherical explosion, leaves behind a large, roughly globular area of water churning with acoustically noisy bubbles. It still displays the visual effects of a depth charge explosion, both above the surface and beneath, as well as creating a pocket of bubbles remaining behind each explosion. It effectively creates an invisible Bold decoy with visible bubbles. Each depth charge explosion creates an invisible Bold, with a lifetime of five (5) minutes, an apparent surface area of 300, and a noise level of 1.5.

In tests I have been able to (usually) carefully creep away under silent running from a group of eight destroyers actively hunting (and pinging) my test submarine, after the first couple of depth charge runs had created a lot of water disturbance. The escorts usually wind up repetitively depth charging the location of the "bubbled" area . . . usually. The effectiveness of the enemy escort sonar operators (whether Poor, Novice, Competent, Veteran, Elite) helps determine the effectivity of the masking effect of the disturbed water area, which means the more dangerous the enemy is, the more likely they are to successfully reacquire contact with you. As well, escorts that have been fooled by the noise disturbance into reacting to it over and over, do *not* get trapped into a loop and never stop attacking the hidden bubble cloud; eventually they figure it out, and leave to go hunting elsewhere.

The depth charge noise mod is meant to simulate real behavior of a specific object: that of a depth charge., It is *not* meant as a "Get out of jail free" card.

At the moment I can only assure compatibility with WAC 5.0 (WarAceCampaign 5.0), which needs to have itself, and all its associated, mods, enabled before enabling the depth charge noise mod. These must be enabled before enabling this mod. Assuming there is sufficient interest I may make variations for other major mods.

Feedback and comments are appreciated!
Have you seen this? (TDWs DC Water Disturbance v4.0). Been around along time.
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