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Old 02-11-18, 02:09 PM   #21
Pacific Thunder
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Originally Posted by Gaius Godefridus View Post
........ GMT today referred as UTC is the Coordinated Universal Time based on the Greenwich Meridian
and is valid all over the world.

GMT is very important for the celestial navigation and to determine sunrise and sunset.

LMT is the Local Mean Time based on the current longitude.

I don't know if it is implemented in Silent Hunter 4, that would have to be tested.

I hope, I could help a little bit
Yes I am familiar with GMT, UTC, & LMT.

When I sail out of Pearl, I use the method I described above your post and here:
I draw vertical lines 7.5d each side of 180d, and every 15d E and W from those lines. The moon-rise & moon-set tables can then be used as well as the Sun tables to plan your attacks etc. There aren't the RW N/S seasonal differences, so the tables are pretty close no matter what latitude or longitude you are on.

I found this so useful I edited the Sun & Moon tables into my F1 Help file.
The resulting time zones determined from my vertical lines are close enough to plan an attack, know what time the sun & moon will rise and set, and the 1941 - 1945 moon phases are also close enough to be used.

For people who expect a planetarium - well, they won't 'get one' and will post lengthily replies telling me that basically I am an idiot for even attempting my method, however my method is is better than not having a clue of what time it is where I am. My method is not close enough for celestial navigation and SH4 itself is not close enough for celestial navigation either.

Despite the few naysayers here and there this method does work for me, I know what time it is where I am, and can plan my actions accordingly. I've shared my method and some are thankful because it works for them too, and I don't waste my time on the negative posts anymore.

For people who expect SH4 to be a precision instrument, they won't find it, but my method is close enough for a game, planning a recon, a supply drop, and an attack. I don't do arithmetic, I just know when I cross one of the lines I drew every 15d I just add or subtract an hour depending on which direction I am going to determine what time it is where I am. So simple - <sigh>

Happy Hunting!
" Bless those who serve beneath the deep,
Through lonely hours their vigil keep.
May peace their mission ever be,
Protect each one we ask of thee.
Bless those at home who wait and pray,
For their return by night and day."

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