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Old 02-04-18, 05:30 PM   #7099
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Originally Posted by makman94 View Post
hi Pablo,

it doesn't seem to me that sh3 is using a Mercator projection , look at the following pic (source: :

Comparing the maps (like ,for example, the way it looks Greenland to South America or Australia) it seems that sh3 most likely is using an Equirectangular projection ( a projection that has little use in navigation or cadastral mapping
and finds its main use only in thematic mapping) and not a Mercator projection.

This has nothing to do ,of course,with gwx or any other supermod but with the sh3's engine itself, i believe that sh3 is 'following' the Equirectangular projection distortions

Yes, you're correct. It's obviously been longer than I thought since I worked on GWX.


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- Theodore Roosevelt, speech before the Hamilton Club, Chicago, April 10, 1899
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