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Old 01-22-18, 07:10 AM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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radar Kursk, the game based on a 2000 Russian submarine disaster, will be out this year

Kursk is a game about a nuclear-powered Russian submarine that was lost along with its entire crew in the year 2000. Developer Jujubee first mentioned it in 2015 and then went quiet, but in a blog post this week it revealed more details about what type of game Kursk will be and confirmed a 2018 release date for PC.

Jujubee said it'll be the "first fully fledged adventure-documentary game in history". A bold claim, but not particularly revealing. However, they also said it'll be a first-person sandbox game about exploring the ship and uncovering its secrets through a variety of gameplay mechanics. "The game takes advantage of an entire collection of mechanics and solutions that have been worked out by the game industry over the years, and uses them to tell a specific story." Players will be met with new ideas throughout the ten-hour story, it said.

The circumstances of the real-world disaster have not yet been fully explained, which allows the developer some creative wiggle room. You'll control a spy who is trying to gain information about Shkval supercavitating torpedoes, which Jujubee said were "of interest to all major intelligence services in the world at the time". Most of the game will take place on the Kursk submarine, but you'll also visit Moscow and the garrison town of Vidyayevo.
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