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Old 01-06-18, 10:22 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead Nuke View Post

To be honest, what I would like to see it more Commanding Officer driven. Your crew KNOWS its job. You are relying on them to give you information so you can do your job. You are giving them commands and expect them to do their jobs.

Thus things like cavitation do not happen. The crew will stop you from making operational mistakes. You have to TELL them to cavitate.
You've made some outstanding points.

I've felt in the past that (modern) sub games treat the platform like its a P-51 fighter plane. Its just you as the pilot and your hardware. I've seen many people who stream sub games play against the machine code more than they play the game itself. Far too many excursions to test depth (even worse, test depth at flank speed), aggressive to the point of being suicidal (you're the commander of the ship, something that's considered as a national asset, AND 110 to 120 crew members who have families back home), dog fights that completely miss the point of how modern subs and weapons were designed to be used, spam out 12 torps and then dodge the fish that get shot at you, etc., etc., etc...

Now, I realize that some of you are itching to say, "Aw c'mon. Its just a game.." which is fine. How about we play a game of tennis.. with a rugby ball, helmets, and padding? After all, its just a game, right?
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