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Old 12-31-17, 12:21 PM   #1
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Default For Killerfish Games

Just downloaded and started playing the New Playable Subs Mod at the Beginner level. I was playing Red Storm Rising 1987 (Free Roam) and followed the tasking to Greminka where I picked up a Foxtrot escorting an SSBN. Took them both out with my Improved Virginia Class sub.

Both times I played this scenario, a 4-engine MARPAT was present. Both times he found me and dropped a torpedo that seemed very targeting on me. As I went to flank, I dropped a noise-maker to pick-up speed and I would do knuckles to leave a disturbance but, the torpedo went straight through both tactics. The second time, when he went through the noise maker, I decided to do a knuckle and change depth heading as fast as I could. That worked, but he came around fast and hit me. Each time I limped and another torpedo just did the same thing. Straight at me and I did not have the speed to really maneuver.

I thought it as being over-capable UGMT-1 torpedoes coming from the MARPATs. On one of the two campaigns, the Foxtrot got some torpedoes off and they went into snake patterns that I evaded fairly easily. The UGMT-1, after entering the water, I believe, just started a circle and then detected me and came straight on.

I understand if sea-launched torpedoes are wire-guided, but I don't think air-dropped torpedoes should.

To answer your questions:

- What difficulty are you playing on? Beginner
- Russian MARPAT (4-Engine) dropped the torpedo
- Enemy subs dead, just the Russian MARPAT Aircraft. It dropped the UGMT-1 torpedoes.

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I hope all is clear.
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